The Purpose for Station Lunda is to make research and develop solutions for,
a sustainable development on the Planet Tellus.
The population of Homo Sapiens is today, the year 2016, more then 7 000 000 000 individuals. This means that there is 1,2 hectare (12000 m2) land area for each individual. In average, each person is using up more resources than can be produced on this areal and in total this means that the demand is many times more than the assets.
This means that Humans are deteriorating its environment and the assets for the upcoming generations. The direction for Humanity today is a path to collaps...
No other living plant or animal has been able to overdraw its account and thereby putting both itself and much of the biodiversity on the planet at risk. The reason for this is that every animal and plant except the Homo Sapiens are living in a direct coexistens with its surroundings. The Homo Sapiens also did so until 9000 years ago.
It is not possible for a Hunter-Gatherer to deteriorate its environment. Trying to do so would make it to be poorer and poorer and in the end it would not be able to exist and it would be extinguished long before it had succeeded to deteriorate its environment.
Lynxes that is living on mountain hares in Canada can not be more than the asset of hares. It is the asset of food that is controlling the population of the Lynxes, it is the population of hares that is deciding the population of Lynxes. The Lynx, as all predators, are only living on the surplus of the regeneration.
How is it possible that the Humans could brake its relationship to the environment? Well, the simple answer is that it is by taking loans from the ecosystems that it has been possible to overexploit the natural resources. It is mainly fossil resources as petrolium, gas, uranium, phosphor etc. These fossil resources exists as overshoot on the earths ecosystems and by using them it is possible for a short time to consume more than what is produced. The regeneation of petrolium is probably so small that a sustainable consumtion of it would be almost none. After the loans of energy, mankind has developed technique and built machines that has been used to exploit the resources even further. This technique has NOT increased the resources of the planet, it has only increased the withdrawal of them. This has led to a diminishing asset of resources on the planet. Almost all resources are today in shortage after a more than 300 year long period of exploation.
Sustainability is a term used frequently today. Let us see what it means...
Sustainable is something if it holds for a long time. I my countyr, Sweden, it was sold a type of milk that should not go sour in a few days, but hold for a very long time. Sustainable used for materials and products is if it hold for years... Some conserving methods can hold food in f.ex. cans in ages, but also on these products, there is a best for date.
What we are talking about when mentioning "Sustainable lifestyle" or "Sustainable development" is very different thing. All milk is going go be sour, all humans are going to die as individuals and it is not a question of prolonging life, and neither about increasing the human race existance or trying to conserve it. This kind of Sustainability is rather a question of preserving the PRECONDITIONS for the same life we are living now and that it should be possible to repeat in the future. It is a question of REPEATABILITY.
The conditions for such a repeatability is that production and lifestyle is in coexisting with the system that it is a part of and dependent on. The withdrawal from the system must be lower than the regeneration/supply to the system. By this follows that it must be a balance in the system.
The existing exploatation of natures resources by Humans is means that the witdrawal from the system i much greater than what can be supplied by it. That creatse a debt to the system. This debt must inexorably be paid back. It is not as a debt to a bank which can be postponed or deleted. In the speculation economy we have agreements between humans, this has evolved from a economy of the reality to an imagery economy of speculation. There is no longer a direct relation between goods and service and the resources of nature. In this system we create imaginary debts. It is only air och we can as magic, conjure these debts and assets, by upheavel or postponing, all is a question of agreements. In Ecology, it is not a fiction, but a reality we are talking about and a debt to the ecosystem is a physical reality and nothing that a magician can wave away with his magic wand.
The English language is using Sustainability as a term. The word Sustain means "to keep", or "to conserve". In the evolutionary perspective, everything is changing. Dinosarures evolved and got wings and become Birds, primates became Humans, see living creatures went up on land and became air breathing, land living animals.
In the long term everything is changing in the ecosystem. To keep an evolutionary stage in a permanent, unchanging state, would be impossible as it would fast be broken down by the steadily changing surroundings. That is why we have a continously changing development in the ecosystem. It is a question of adaption, for a species to survive.
There are two thinkable life strategies on this planet. One is for the organism to adapt to the surroundings and to try to get the most out of it. The other is to change the surroundings to fit the need of the organism. It is only Homo Sapiens that has to a part been successful in changing the surroundings. This has been done in an accelerating tempo with a start for about 9000 years ago, when humans become settlers and farmers, to the industrial period that intensified this strategy from only very recently, 300 years ago. The problem with the latter of these strategies and to change the surroundings, is that the need of the organism is changing very rapidly with the manipulation of the system, and this creates a negative spiral of increased needs and increased demands on the ecosystems. This is an inflation that leads to collaps.
SUSTAINABLE GROWTH is a term used often today. It was establishet by the so called Brutland report in 1987. It is a nonsens term. It is like talking about "Black Light". Light can not be black, because the definition of Black, is the absence of light. This means that the expression is meaningless and what we call nonsense. It is a term that has no ground in reality.
Growth is the mechanism in our economic system that maintains the squirrel wheel and that is trying to compensate för the increasing debt in the system. As it is the Growth that has created the increase in debt, it will be increased. This leads to a need of continous increase of Growth. This is of course impossible in reality. Growth in economics is something that only kan lead to collaps. Growth actually means an accelerated movement towards collaps. This is what we in physics call a positive feedback. This is not as it sounds very positive. It means that a system like a thermostat would increase the heat in the room as it becomes warmer. Positive feedback is a rampant movement leading to collaps. This kind of phenomen can not be sustainable, it will consume itself. Our economic system with the trinity of Production, Revenue and the holy Growth is building a system that will consume all in its way and be annihilated. It is a suicidal concept.
To achieve sustainability, we have to take care of and create the regeneration of the ecosystem. An organism must benefit the regneration and in that way also benefit itself and its preconditions. This is an investment in the economics of the reality. The more regeneration and the less withdrawal form the system an organism does, the more stable and resilient the system gets. This leads to increased possibilities for the organism to survive. For Sustainability the organism also has to be resource effective and householding its resources as best as possible. Perhaps should we clarify the term Sustainability by talking about Ecological Sustainability.
also see this as a paper on Sustainability.
Station Lunda aims to make solutions for sustainability and to show on paths for mankind to live in a way that does not allow building up of debts to the ecosystem. The individual lifestyle is crucial for the collective and how it works in relation to the environment. Station Lunda shows how humans can live their common lifes without impoverishing the ecosystem. Much of the research on Station Lunda is therefore a question of basic needs; how we eat, what we eat, how we are cleaning ourselfes and our clothes, how much energy we are using and how much resources we are using and how we are regenerate these resources that is necessary for our needs. This means that we must question the present destructive lifestyle in every, and the smallest, perspective.
Except the very basic research on the common man and his common day life, the infrastructure affects in a very high the total use of energy and resources and it is also necessary to analyse, question, and find solutions for new economics and politics in the infrastructure that states the individuals lifestyle.
Station Lunda will present its results in publications, but also provoke debate, and inspire to a switch to a Sustainable life.
Station Lunda,
16 November 2016 in Uppsala, Sweden
/johan falk